Sunday, February 10, 2013

Swimming Terminology

Swimming Terminology

Goal :
 Short, Medium and Long range targets set by swimmers, and agreed by the coaches, to aim for.
no breathing :
 Swimming without breathing.
double stroke breathing :
 breathing once per two strokes.
double stroke :
 Two strokes in swimming.
dolphin kick :
 A kick used in the fly stroke where both legs kick in time together. Often employed by advanced freestyle swimmers whilst performing a torpedo kick off the wall.
duet :
 Dual performance (Synchronized Swimming).
lap time :
 - Athlete’s swimming time for a lap(s).
leg kick :
 Leg motion of athletes in swimming.
race :
 Leg motion of athletes in swimming.
lane marker :
 Continuous floating markers attached to a cable stretched from the starting end to the turning end for the purpose of separating each lane.
lane :
 The specific area in which a swimmer is assigned to swim. (i.e.) Lane 1 or Lane 2. Pools with starting blocks at only one end: As the swimmers stand behind the blocks, lanes should be numbered from Right (lane 1) to Left (lane 6).
rails :
 Poles inserted in the pool so that athletes can hold onto it.
referee :
 The official in charge of the meet. The referee is the final authority in all disputes or other matters related to the conduct of the meet.
rolling :
 Athlete’s left to right moving motion during competition.
long-distance swimming :
 In competitive swimming, 'long course' means racing in a 50m pool - as used in the Olympic games. In triathlon, Long Course means any triathlon distance longer than Half Ironman distance and very often the ITU set distance: 4K/120K/30K or the new 3K/80K/20K format.
relay swimmer :
 Swimmer participating in the relay event.
bilateral breathing :
 Breathing to both sides, in any pattern. A good technique to keep your stroke symmetrical.
back stroke swimmer :
 backstroke swimmer.
back stroke :
 One of the 4 competitive racing strokes, basically any style of swimming on your back. Backstroke is swum as the first stroke in the Medley Relay and second stroke in the Individual Medley.
butterfly swimmer :
 Butterfly swimmer.
butterfly :
 One of the 4 competitive racing strokes. Butterfly (normally abbreviated to Fly) is swum as the third stroke in the Medley Relay and first stroke in the Individual Medley.
breast stroke swimmer :
 Breaststroke swimmer.
breast stroke kick :
 Breaststroke kick.
breast stroke :
 One of the 4 competitive racing strokes. Breaststroke is swum as the second stroke in the Medley Relay and the third stroke in the Individual Medley.
breathe :
 Breathing during swimming race.
beat length :
 Length covered by a swimmer per beat.
surface of the water :
 Water surface of the swimming pool.
somersault turn :
 Turn made through a somersault.
swimmer :
 Swimming athlete.
swimming stadium :
 Swimming Venue.
swimming style :
 The style of swimming. There are four competitive swimming strokes: freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly.
swimming stroke :
 Arm movement for swimming.
swimming costume :
 What a swimmer wears in the pool. Styles and materials vary widely, and are, to an extent, dependent on the level of competition the swimmer is engaged in.
swimming trunk :
 Swimming wear (MEN)
swimming pool :
 Swimming area.
swim on the rope :
 Swimming using the rope due to exhaustion.
start :
 The beginning of a race. The dive used to begin a race.
starting grip :
 Starting hand rail (backstroke).
starting block :
 Platforms at the end of the pool from which swimmers dive at the start of a race. Each lane will have a starting block.
starting position :
 The position a swimmer takes when the starter says, "Take your mark."
stroke :
 Arm movement for swimming.
spurt :
 Fast swimming motion.
sprint :
 A short, "all-out" race. Anything 100 yards/meters or less is considered a sprint.
splash :
 Water reaction to the movement of strokes or actions of swimmers in the water.
scissors kick :
 A wide parting of the legs during the swim stroke which adds lots of drag and slows the swimmer down. Normally a scissor kick is an unconscious action and the swimmer is unaware of it. It is most commonly caused by a need to maintain balance in the water due to a cross-over at the front of the stroke.
six-beat rhythm :
 A description of a technique used when swimming freestyle. 6 beat is the traditional flutter kick and uses 6 kicks per complete arm cycle. This is used by most swimmers and triathletes.
six-beat crawl :
 1 crawl in 6 beats.
anchor man :
 The final swimmer in a relay.
over flow :
 Overflowing of pool water (drainage).
indoor pool :
 Pools that are enclosed in a building.
inspector of turns :
 Referee that inspects swimmers turns.
individual medley :
 A swimming event combining all four of the strokes, normally performed in the order fly- back- breast- free. Classic distances are 200m (50m of each stroke) and 400m (100m of each stroke). Designed to find the best all- round swimmer, medley swimming is physically hard due to the fast transitions between strokes. It is commonly used in training swim sets.
inspector of turns :
 Referee that inspects swimmers turns.
judge :
 Official, referee of the competition.
jury of appeal :
 Appeal jury that reviews athlete’s appeals made by the coaches regarding the results, outcome and performance of the competition.
competitive swimming :
 swimming event.
crawl swimmer :
 crawl athlete.
crawl :
 Abbreviation for freestyle.
cramp :
 muscle cramps.
kick :
 Kicking motion of the leg.
time :
 Record Time.
touch :
 The finish of a race; to touch the wall.
turn :
 Athletes turning at the end of the pool.
tumble turn :
 A tumble turn is one where the head and arms are driven under the body and the legs flip over the top before reaching the wall and pushing off. Sometimes also called a flip-turn. Where allowed, it's used in elite pool swimming as it's the fastest method of turning.
take over :
 Transfer of swimmers in relay matches.
take your marks! :
 First quote to let the athletes know that starting signal will be given soon.
temperature of the water :
 water temperature
first swimmer :
 first athlete in a relay race.
four stroke breathing :
 breathing once per 4 strokes.
false-start rope :
  A rope across the width of the racing pool that is lowered to the water surface for the purpose of stopping swimmers who were not aware that the Referee had recalled the swimmers.
pool length :
 Length of the pool.
pool side :
 Area around the pool.
pool :
 The facility in which swimming competition is conducted.
frog kick :
 Leg movement of breaststroke.
free style relay :
 Relay where all the participating athlete must use freestyle.
free style :
 Free- style is the fastest swimming stroke of all. It is used in open water and triathlon swimming. Strictly speaking, freestyle means there are no restrictions on the stroke, so the fastest possible technique is used. The resultant stroke has evolved to be alternate arm strokes using body roll to aid propulsion with one arm while simultaneously aiding recovery of the other. An alternate 'flutter' leg kick is normally used.
free stylist :
 Freestyle swimmer.
flying :
  False start (jumping before the start signal is given).
finishing judge :
 Referee judging the finish of swimmers.

Source: 4th Asian Indoor Games Korea 2013

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Aquatics Cambodia Articles Links


Breaking News: New Cambodian National Record at 50m Freestyle at World Championship Short Course 2012!


Pictures: Cambodia National Swimming Team in 11th FINA World Swimming Championship SC 2012

CAMBODIA Swimming LC Men’s Records’ Times

1 comment:

  1. I like this article - it helps me to understand better swimming sport.
