Sunday, March 24, 2013

Calendar 2013: Swimming & Aquathlon Competitions & Cambodian National Swimming Team in International Meets 2013.

Calendar 2013: Swimming & Aquathlon Competitions & Cambodian National Swimming Team in International Meets 2013.


Last Updated on 18.11.13



Dear Readers and Friends of Aquatics Cambodia!
110 days have passed since 4th of December 2012 when we launched online version of our Aquatics Cambodia Sport Magazine.
Since that time, 29 articles were published. Including such important, as database for Cambodian Men’s National Swimming Records for both Short and Long Course, which was for the 1st time, in the history of aquatics sports in Cambodia - made with accordance to FINA rules and published in Internet that everybody can see it now! Already more than 2,400 people read our magazine, from 49 countries!
The most unexpected thing, for us, during these days, was that among most popular 5 articles in our magazine – number one and number two were articles about culture, from our Cultural Events Corner, but not about swimming sport! This fact shows again, that sport, in this country, in particular swimming sport – is not so popular topic, in this society, compare to other countries in SEA, like for example – Singapore or Thailand.
Also, unfortunately, till this moment, we haven’t received, any kind of support, or even simple morale assistance, or even simply some information providing, about events and data, about swimming sport in Cambodia from Cambodian Swimming Federation, or other relevant authorities in Cambodia, as Cambodian NOC or Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport.
Just see from them till the present time - total ignorance, of our efforts, to push development of aquatics sports in Cambodia, with publishing this magazine and for the first time in the history of aquatics sports in Cambodia, publishing in English language credible info about National Records, participation in international competitions & national athletes achievements. This is sad truth, unfortunately.
All info published in this magazine, were obtained with great efforts from our small team, put to find and verify this info, through searching Internet during sleepless nights and sending inquiries to some sport organizations worldwide.
Same time, we are very thankful, to some organizations and individuals, within the country and worldwide, who helped us, with their kind advices, some data providing and morale support, to make our sport magazine more informative and more attractive, for all of us. These are our supporters, from Bulgaria, Indonesia, Australia, Lithuania, Russia, Turkey and of course – Cambodia.
Special thanks – to Mr. Rumen Atanasov from International Swimming Statistics Federation & Bulgarian Swimming Federation.
We will continue, to do our best, to publish in our Aquatics Cambodia Sport Magazine articles and information about developing of aquatics sports in Cambodia and news about these sports worldwide and we hope, that sooner or later, we would have some kind of cooperation from sport authorities in the Kingdom of Cambodia, as the main aim, of making this magazine, is to promote sport in this country! 
Everybody, who would like to help us, with any kind of contributions, or advices and information sharing, can contact us through email: 

Wish Good Health to All of You,
Sincerely Yours,

Vladimir. Y. Maximov, Esq.
Aquatics Cambodia

Our Readers Geography on 24.03.13:

49 countries & territories:
ASEAN: Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar & Philippines;
Asia: Turkey, India, China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan & Sri Lanka;
Eastern Europe – Russia:  Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Estonia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czech Republic & Serbia;
Western Europe: Greece, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, UK, Ireland & Italy;
Americas: USA, Canada, Peru, Venezuela, Chile & Argentina;
Africa: South Africa, Uganda, Senegal, Nigeria & Algeria;
Middle East & Oceania: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Australia & New Zealand.

Total Visitors Since 04.12.12: 2426
Total Page Viewers Since 04.12.12: 2986

Top 5 Visitors by Countries:
1.     Cambodia
2.     USA
3.     Myanmar (Burma)
4.     Thailand
5.     India

Top 5 Pageviews by Countries:
1.     Cambodia: 1429
2.     United Kingdom: 371
3.     USA: 359
4.     Russia: 106
5.     Myanmar (Burma): 81

Aquatics Cambodia Links for Some Selected Articles

February 2013
Swimming Terminology

January 2013
CULTURAL EVENTS CORNER: Irrawaddy Literary Festival & Yoma FMI Short Story Contest in Yangon, Myanmar
CULTURAL EVENTS CORNER: Invitation for Shwaas band (India) Concert
Piano & Violin Duo Recital Concert in Intercontinental Hotel, Phnom Penh


Breaking News: New Cambodian National Record at 50m Freestyle at World Championship Short Course 2012!
Pictures: Cambodia National Swimming Team in 11th FINA World Swimming Championship SC 2012
CULTURAL EVENTS CORNER: Photos: 3rd Cambodia International Film Festival
CAMBODIA National Swimming Men’s Records’ Times, Official FINA Standard, as of 31.08.12 Long Course 50 m Swimming Pool
CAMBODIA National Swimming Men’s Records’ Times, Official FINA Standard, as of 16.12.12 Short Course 25 m Swimming Pool
Cambodia National Team at World Short Course Swim Championship 2012 in Istanbul, Turkey: Issue N8./ 13 Dec 2012: 2nd Day of Meet!
Cambodia National Team at World Short Course Swim Championship 2012 in Istanbul, Turkey: Issue N7./ 12 Dec 2012: 1st Day of Meet!
Phnom Penh Ballet School Set for First Performance
Cambodian National Swim Team Goes to World Championship Short Course 2012 in Turkey
First Online Aquatics Sport Magazine in English in Cambodia


Author: Vladimir Maximov, Aquatics Cambodia

One of the basic things, for developing of any kind of sport, is to have a plan, for training and for participation in competitions. And for participation in competitions, we need to know, the calendar, so we can plan our training, and plan our schedule, to be able, to prepare better. To be able, to send our best athletes, for this or that sport event and be able, simply plan our time.
Long time ago, when I was training in one of the best professional sport clubs, in my native country, which calls Dinamo and has thousands of affiliates practically in every city in my native country, and this year has anniversary of 90 years since its establishment  in 1923 - we had 2 years calendar, for sport competitions. Our coach, who once became N 4 at Olympics, for high jump in athletics, every two years, did individual training plan, for every advanced athlete, for two years ahead, based on the calendar.
When I was in Indonesia, in 2006-2009, and was involved, in daily functioning of the one of the most advanced in SEA region swimming clubs -  JIS Aquadragons, based in Jakarta, every September, the new calendar for the new swimming year season, was prepared and distributed, among club’s managers, coaches, athletes and athletes’ families, and put in club's website, club's newsletters and in club's all three swiming pools - so all of us, could knew, what competitions, we would have, within next 12 months, in and out of our club and in and out of the country.
When, I came back to Cambodia, in August of 2009 and in September of 2009 has received membership card, of Cambodian Swimming Federation, from its Secretary General Mr. Hem Thon, I was very surprised, that no calendar, for competitions, in Cambodia. Nobody, among athletes, even National Team members, among coaches, or Federation members, knew, what competitions, and when, would be, in the country, and what competitions, Cambodia would send, its swimmers. Just one person, in Cambodia - Secretary General of the Federation, Mr. Hem Thon, knew, to what swimming meets, Cambodia would send its athletes, and whom, exactly, would send, and only he, was making decision, in what competitions to participate, and whom to send. No Federation’s President, no Vice-President, no coaches had this information and were involved in decision making. I never saw, within all these 3.5 years since September 2009, when I became member of the Federation, any discussion or any meeting, in Cambodian Swimming Federation, for swimming calendar or for participation in swimming competitions issues, where all relevant parties, could participate and discuss these issues. I never saw as well, any written info, about Cambodian National Swimming Calendar! In contrary, in such country as Singapore – there is 2 years detailed National Swimming Calendar, which everybody, can see on Singaporean Swimming Federation website. In such country as Brunei – there is 1 year swimming calendar, by the way, in English language, in its Swimming Federation’s website. In the end of 2012, I had an interesting meeting, with one European so-called expert or advisor, to Cambodian NOC (who actually, doesn’t have any knowledge, as an expert, in any kind of sports, but who at least understands, importance of some basic things, in sport, as Calendar or database of National Records). The expert, told to me, that he plans, to prepare yearly Calendar for the main sports in the country and submit to NOC. Now is March 2013, but still, no such Calendar exists, for Khmer Amateur Swimming Federation! Even for local competitions, in some cases, swimmers know, only few days, before the meet! Of course, such situation, affects a lot, developing of swimming sport in this country.  I am telling within all of these 3.5 years, to officials, of Cambodian Swimming Federation, about importance, of having National Swimming Calendar at least for 1 year, and better, to have for 2 or for 4 years, as well as I am offering, my volunteer help, as an international sport expert – but, Alas! Nobody cares to do themselves and nobody wants to accept, my help as well, in it!

Now, based on info what we could obtain, to this moment, we would like to share, with all of our readers, information, about some competitions, what will be inside the country and about competition outside the country in 2013, where Cambodian swimmers participate:
Tentative Cambodia Swimming Meets Calendar 2013


Aquathlon Swim + Run Meet
May 19, Sun
National Olympic Stadium, Phnom Penh
Cambodian Triathlon Federation
Cambodians & Foreigners Can Participate. Age Groups Meet. Paid Participation. Enrolment by Clubs
Cambodian National LC Championship*
June 1-5
National Olympic Stadium, Phnom Penh
Ministry of Education, Youth & Sport & Khmer Amateur Swimming Federation
Age Groups Meet. Only for Cambodians. Just short and medium distances 7-8 total with maximum 4-5 distances to swim for 1 athlete. Dates & Time frequently change in last moment. Not eligible for National Records as no electronic timing and just 1 manual timer per lane. Free Participation. Enrolment by Clubs.
Aquathlon Swim + Run Meet
June 1st, Sat
Cambodian Country Club, Phnom Penh
Cambodian Triathlon Federation
Cambodians & Foreigners Can Participate. Age Groups Meet. Paid Participation. Enrolment by Clubs
4th Indoor Asian Games, SC
June 30  – July 3 Sun-Wed 
 Incheon Asian Games Organizing Committee & Korean Swimming Federation
Cambodian Swimming Federation can send 2 swimmers  + 1 official. Each swimmer can be enrolled for 2 distances maximum. No local selection meets – all athletes selection & their entries make by Gen. Sec. of KASF – Mr. Hem Thon
15th FINA World Aquatics Championship, LC
July 19  – Aug 4 Sat-Sun (pool swimming 28 Jul - 4 Aug)
Barcelona, Spain
FINA & Spanish Swimming Federation
Cambodian Swimming Federation can send 3 swimmers  + 1 official which are fully sponsored by FINA and some swimmers which participation can be covered by sponsors. Each swimmer can be enrolled for 2 distances maximum. Usually, Cambodian swimmers enroll at 50m freestyle + 1 other short distance. Cambodian athletes never participated in other disciplines of aquatics sports like open water, water polo and others. No local selection meets – all athletes selection & their entries make by Gen. Sec. of KASF – Mr. Hem Thon
5th K-Cement Swim Cup, LC
Oct or Nov
National Olympic Stadium, Phnom Penh
Khmer Amateur Swimming Federation
2-3 days meet for Cambodian swimmers with some selected distances incl. 1500 m freestyle. Free participation. No any medals were given to winners in previous Meets due ”lack of funding” according Gen. Sec. of KASF Mr. Hem Thon. Not eligible for National Records as no electronic timing and just 1 manual timer per lane.
27th SEA Games, LC
Opening Ceremony on 11 Dec

Nay Pyi Taw, Yangon & Mandalay, Myanmar
27th SEA Games Organizing Committee of Myanmar
Total quantity of swimmers depends on Gen. Sec. of KASF Mr. Hem Thon submission to Cambodian NOC & Cambodian NOC decision. During two previous SEA Games 7 swimmers were selected incl. 4 males, so it was possible to participate in relays for men. Each participating country can submit two swimmers for each distance. Cambodian athletes no participated in other aquatics sports disciplines in post Khmer Rouge era. No local selection meets – all athletes selection & their entries make by Gen. Sec. of KASF – Mr. Hem Thon

Notes on 18.11.13:

1. There was an additional local meet - FTB Swimming Cup 2013 what was held in October at Olympic Stadium in Phnom Penh. We became just occasionally, know about this event, when our Editor-in-Chief H.E. Mr. Vladimir Maximov, occasionally met KASF President H.E. Mr. Sun Chanthol in airport, one week before start of the meet, and Mr. Sun Chanthol told him about this event. Till this time - we are unable, to receive results, from this meet. Some information, can be found in our article. We"ll update it, when and if, we find more info.

FTB Swimming Cup 2013

Time & Date: 15:00-17:30 on 17-19 October 2013

Venue: Olympic Stadium, Phnom Penh

 2. Just only on this Monday - 18 of November, we became know, that it would be K-Cement Swimming Cup, starting on 19.11.13, at 15:00, at Olympic Stadium!


Editorial Aquatics Cambodia
We inform our readers about competitions, which are organized by Cambodian Triathlon Federation, because, in several of these competitions, called Aquathlon, the main advanced participants are swimmers, as Aquathlon meets consist from swimming and running events, and right now, no any triathletes in Cambodia - all athletes participating in Aquathlon competitions organized by Cambodian Triathlete Federation are swimmers and runners. For example, Royal Sport Club Nautilus swimmer Chamraen Youri has participated in 3 such Aquathlon meets and won 2 silver and 1 gold medals. Due the lack of local swimming meets in Cambodia (for example, now is end of March 2013 but no any swimming meet yet and according our info, the 1st local swimming meet will be in June 2013 only!), these two Aquathlon meets are very helpful, for Cambodian swimmers. Besides, one more very important point: not only Cambodian, but foreign athletes as well, can participate, in Aquathlon meets! Unfortunately, all local swimming competitions, organized by Cambodian Swimming Federation and by local Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport are only for Cambodian athletes. Foreigners are not permitted to participate, even, if they pay for participation.

Triathlon Fed lists events for 2013

Source: Phnom Penh Post Newspaper
Last Updated on 19 March 2013
By Dan Riley

Following its annual congress last Thursday, the Cambodian Triathlon Federation has released its revised calendar of events for 2013, beginning with the second Phnom Penh International Duathlon, slated for April 28 at Diamond Island, and culminating in the inaugural international triathlon in Sihanoukville on December 15.

Other proposed races include the second CTF Aquathlon at the Olympic Stadium pool and grounds of the National Sports Complex on May 19, the second CCC Aquathlon on June 2 at the Cambodian Country Club and the inaugural Angkor Wat International Duathlon in Siem Reap on October 27.

The federation had been forced to cancel the Angkor Wat Duathlon and the inaugural triathlon, which was to have been held in conjunction with the 2012 Sea Festival in Kep, out of respect for the passing of King Father Norodom Sihanouk.

But it is confident of hosting all five competitions before the end of this year, as well as a national championship in October organised by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport and another triathlon to be run as part of the National Olympic Committee of Cambodia’s 2013 Sea Festival in early December.

Strong ties with numerous ministries of the Royal Government have been forged, with the Ministry of Information signed up to help organise the April 23 Duathlon and the Ministry of Environment agreeing to assist at the Sihanoukville triathlon.

The Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Health have also pledged their support, as the CTF looks to ink sponsorship deals with local and international companies to help fund its activities.

Last week’s congress was presided over by Information Minister Khieu Kanharith, who has been named honorary president of the federation.

Kong Rithy Chup retains his position as president, while Van Vichet and Men Sokha have been installed as vice-presidents.
Deputy general secretary Nhem Sophea rounds off the list of new names at the organisation.      

“I feel very happy that H.E. Khieu Kanharith has accepted to be our honorary president, as he has supported our federation since the beginning,” Kong Rithy Chup told the Post.

“I really do hope that this year, the Ministry of Information will push this national, popular sport to the next level... I also feel very comfortable with my new team. They are volunteers – talented and eager to work with me – so the new CTF swears to push for more training for our athletes in 2013, to search for more sponsors to fulfil our 2013 targets and to be prepared for the next competitions in [the region].”

The president noted that the sport’s world governing body, the International Triathlon Union (ITU), and the regional body, the Asian Triathlon Confederation (ASTC), had been in contact.

“The ITU and ASTC said by email that they are interested about the CTF’s plans and they are considering a visit to Cambodia this year and maybe to join one of our competitions,” he said.

Currently, seven triathlon clubs are affiliated with the federation, including those of the Ministry of Information, PSE, Human Resources, Mith Samlanh, Rithysen, Wat Phnom and Takhmao.

“We expect in the future to be able to have one triathlon club per province in order to promote this popular sport with the public and especially with the students, in co-operation with the Ministry of Education,” the CTF chief said.

Triathlon Fed and CCC primed for Aquathlon
13 May 2013
By Yeun Ponlok

The Cambodia Triathlon Federation returns to the Cambodian Country Club on June 1 for its second edition of the CCC Aquathlon.

The swimming and running event, which also marks International Children’s Day, will take place from 6:30am, with 50-metre lengths of the pool and 800-metre laps of the surrounding grounds.

According to CTF general secretary Gin Sok Panha, registration is open until May 25 and can be made at the National Olympic Committee of Cambodia headquarters (No1, Street 276) or the CCC.

Entrance is free for local students, 10,000 riel ($2.50) for local athletes and 40,000 riel for foreigners ($10).

The field will be divided into three age categories for both men and women, with cash prizes, medals and souvenirs offered for the top three finishers in each section.

The 13- to 17-year-old class features a swim of 150m before a run of 3,200m. The 18-35 age division will swim for 350m and run 4,800m, while the over-35s will do a 250m swim and a 4,000m run.

Gin Sok Panha told the Post he expected a decrease in the number of participants from last year’s inaugural race due to a stricter entry policy that prohibits competitors who do not train significantly. The 2012 edition was won by Cambodian marathon specialist Hem Bunting.

Translated by Cheng Seryrith
Source: Phnom Penh Post Newspaper

Athletes to splash and dash at CCC Aquathlon
Last Updated on 31 May 2013
By Dan Riley
Source: Phnom Penh Post Newspaper

The Cambodian Triathlon Federation hosts its second CCC Aquathlon event at the Cambodian Country Club tomorrow from 7am. CTF President Kong Rithy Chup told the Post yesterday that a total of 183 athletes including 26 females have registered for the five categories of the swimming and running race. 65 technical staff will help steward the event while 120 members of athletics clubs and associations are expected to turn out in support. Information Minister and CTF Honorary President Khieu Kanharith will preside over the closing ceremony. 

Aquatics Cambodia Comments 

Once again – we do not understand, why, Khmer Amateur Swimming Federation, Cambodian  Triathlon Federation & Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, could not, make two competitions – Cambodian National Swimming Championship and Aquathlon, in separated dates!!!???
Because, Aquathlon will be held, on Sat morning, on 1st of June, starts at 6:30 a.m. and Cambodian Swimming Championship, will start, also, on Sat, 1st of June, in the afternoon, warm up starts at 2 p.m.! Of course, for serious sportsmen, it is not possible, to go firstly, in the morning, to airport area, to participate, in very tight and physically, difficult, swim and run meet, and after, run, to another part of city, to participate, in another, very important local competition, as Cambodian National Swimming Championship is! So, they inevitably, will need, to choose, one competition, among two, to participate, and this is a pity, as very seldom, here, in Cambodia, any such sport event, take place, as for swimming, there is just 1st local meet, since last year Nov, and for aquathlon, there is only 2nd meet, in this year.

Hem Bunting tops Aquathlon again

Last Updated on 03 June 2013
By Yeun Ponlok
Source: Phnom Penh Post Newspaper

The second edition of the CCC Aquathlon, hosted by the Cambodian Triathlon Federation on Saturday at the Cambodian Country Club, enjoyed an increase in participation from the previous year, according to CTF officials.

Of the 183 athletes that competed, the vast majority represented Cambodian clubs and associations and displayed an improvement in standard because of stricter entry conditions by the organisers forbidding those with limited or no training.

Approximately three per cent of the participants were foreigners.

The clubs and associations include Rithy Sen, Ministry of Information, Reach Sey, National Training Center, APP, CCC, PSE, Takhmao, Friendly Organisation and Human Resources University.

Despite a drop in volunteer numbers, the event was hailed as a success by the Federation.

Information minister and CTF honorary president Khieu Kanharith said in a speech on May 14: “The main purpose of this [Aquathlon] event is to encourage people to play sport and improve their standard. It also marks the International Children’s Day.”

In the men’s 18-35 years old class, which featured a swim of 350m before a run of 4.8km, Cambodia’s national team athlete and SEA Games marathon medallist Hem Bunting of AAP Club defended the title he won last year with a time of 22 minutes and 10 seconds.

Two minutes back came runner-up Neang Pich Piseth of Rithy Sen Club, while fellow national team long-distance runner Ma Viro, racing for Human Resources University Club, took third.

National Training Centre Club’s Khem Sambath clinched top honours in the 13- to 17-year-old boys division by completing the 150m swim and 3.2km run in just under 15 minutes. His club-mate Met Sopheaktra took silver, and Seng Khon of PSE Club grabbed bronze.

The men’s over-35s race produced the day’s only international winner in Jorge Ramos, who splashed through a 250m swim and dashed a 4km run in 20 minutes and five seconds.

Pov Hok of Human Resources University Club was two minutes off the pace in second, with Rithy Sen Club’s Khut Srous capturing third.

The women’s 18- to 35-year-old competition over a 350m swim and 3.8km run saw a winning performance by Hay Ley Sayby of Reach Sey club. Her time of 28 minutes 33 seconds beat local swimming star Hem Thon Vitiny of National Training Centre into second, with Vitiny’s club-mate Seng Somphos third.

The U17 girls class, held over the same distance as the boys’ event, saw Met Mary Yan triumph in 17 minutes and nine seconds. Nen Su Maly and Rini Oum Reachany rounded off the top three in second and third respectively to seal a clean sweep of podium places for the National Training Center Club. 

Translated by Cheng Seryrith


This is really sad news and sad situation, which reflects situation in Cambodian swimming federation with selection of sportsmen and their entries for international competition what goes on for years.
We knew about participation of Cambodian swimmers in upcoming FINA World Swimming Championship Long Course 2013 in Spain just occasionally. And just occasionally, we became knew that our Royal Sport Club Nautilus swimmer Chamraen Youri was not selected!
After several recent conversations, with Mr. Hem Thon – Sec. Gen. of KASF , and his son Hem Kiry – Coach of National Swimming Team, last ones were in morning of 29 March, we have the following picture of situation: 

1.      Selection of the swimmers to represent Cambodia in international competitions as well as selection of their entries and submission of the swimmers data as their PBT – solely doing by Secretary General of Khmer Amateur Swimming Federation Mr. Hem Thon, who is also Director of Administration Dep-t and Member of Board of Cambodian NOC.

2.      We haven’t seen, at least within last four years, any credible local trials or selection meets, before international competitions, where swimmers could compete with each other and win place, in the National team, to represent Cambodia in international stage, in this or that particular selected distance.

3.      Even distances selection and PBT, age and names of athletes frequently submitted with mistakes. For example, during last FINA World Championship SC 2012, all PBT for all 3 participating Cambodian athletes were submitted with mistakes, as given their PBT for LC, but competition was SC! Two swimmers, Chamraen Youri and Hemthon Vitiny, could not swim 2nd distance available, because of mistakes, from KASF officials, for submitting 2nd distance enrolment for them, to FINA! Even with name, of Hemthon Vitiny, was mistake, as written her family name Hemthon as her given name! Despite the fact, that she is granddaughter of the main boss in Cambodian swimming federation – Mr. Hem Thon! So, logically, at least her name should be submitted correctly, but it was not. Other example – during last SEA Games, our club swimmer Chamraen Youri, not only was stripped in last moment by Mr. Hem Thon, from his 3 distances to swim from total 6, which were before, discussed with Mr. Hem Thon and he accepted that 6 distances to enroll for Chamraen for SEA Games 2011. Even, no his PBT were submitted, only NT – No Time were put for his entries! And his age, mistakenly was put as 18 years old, but in reality, that time he was only 15 years old! All correct data, including his PBT were given to Mr. Hem Thon several times before SEA Games, but still, that mistakes have appeared.

4.      Cambodia can send 3 swimmers + 1 official for World Championship Long Course which are fully sponsored by FINA – their air fares and full board accommodation. Last Long Course World Championship in 2011  - 3 swimmers have participated. 



 Last Updated on 18.11.13

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